31 October 2011

blog / bear with me...

As readers / followers (the few there are! :-)) of my blog can see I am still fine-tuning my blog, slowly but surely. The only changes, for the moment, are some text formating as well as new sections at the top, some of which I want to lead to another section(s) on my blog itself (but no success there...yet!), and some of which links to other sites.

Actually, I have started my own blog on Blogger back in 2007 but stopped due to lack of time and interest and started anew with a personal WordPress blog (circa early 2011), the effort of which can be seen here (warning: right-click to open it in another window!) but after nth days of struggling with WordPress, which had me frustrated to no end with its lack of customisablilty, I went back to Blogger.

Yes, I know that WordPress can be a powerful marketing tool if one can succeed in designing a fully working one but I simply cannot get my head around how WordPress functionality (themes and other stuff) are integrated. Plus a large part of these stuff are not always free or easy to implement (as they appear to be). On the other hand, Google's Blogger have, in stark comparison to WordPress, a simplistic design approach (though somewhat buggy - thankfully it has improved over time from last when I was on it in 2007!), with a nice integration to Google+ services, that will make one's blog go far in social networking.

The important part for me (and I guess for many others out there) is that it is should be easy to create a blog immediately, complete with an unique custom theme, and be "A" for ready and finished in a short period.That is the "selling factor".

So, for now, I guess I will remain continuing polishing my blog template code and theme design until I am 100% satisfied with it. And then, when I have more time (and money! :-)) will I consider WordPress again!

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